This is an archived copy of the 2018-2019 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Education (EDUC)

EDUC 101. Social Foundation of Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3
Historical, economic, philosophical, and social foundations of education, and their implications for present-day education in America. Provides a background of information for the prospective teacher and citizen. Not open to seniors.

EDUC 105. Education for Peace and Justice. 1 Credit.

Offered Occasionally; Lecture hours:3
This course is an interdisciplinary examination into the meaning, lived experience and learning necessary for peace and justice.

EDUC 110. Education and the Human Spirit. 1 Credit.

Offered Summer Session Only; Lecture hours:6
This course explores the role of spirituality within education. There is a strong focus on theory and practice in relationship to personal experience. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

EDUC 1NT. Education Non-traditional Study. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall, Spring, Summer; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:3
Non-traditional study in education.

EDUC 201. Educational Psychology. 1 Credit.

Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3
Role of psychological concepts in educational practices. Nature, sources of individual differences in development and readiness. Learning theory, motivation, and emotion in learning. Issues in identifying and supporting the learning of all students. Measurement and evaluation of learning.

EDUC 227. Immigrant Youth in U.S. Society. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
This course examines the varied trajectories in contemporary immigrant youth adaptations across social contexts, including schools, families, peer groups and work. Crosslisted as EDUC 627.

EDUC 230. Foundations of Classroom Assessment. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Use of observation, documentation, and assessment to develop instructional practices that support learning of all children. Includes assessment across environments and for different purposes. Prerequisite: EDUC 201 and junior status or permission of the instructor.

EDUC 232. Remaking Public Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Occasionally; Lecture hours:3
Examines the way advocates, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists are changing public education (and society) through innovations liike charter schools, school vouchers, cyber schools, and home schooling.

EDUC 235. Integrated Arts in Learning. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
This course invites students to examine the role and possibility of the arts within education. Class time will include discussion, experiential activities, and time for contemplation as students develop a holistic understanding of arts-informed education while addressing essential questions about the nature and purpose of education.

EDUC 240. Literacy and Learning in the Diverse Classroom. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
This course examines how diverse adolescents engage in literacy across content areas, developing abilities to decode, interpret, and use sign systems to gain access to secondary school content knowledge. Other topics include classroom management, curriculum integration and curriculum planning. Required fieldwork. Prerequisites: EDUC 101 and EDUC 201. Crosslisted as EDUC 640.

EDUC 290. Gender Issues in Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
An examination of how gender affects the teaching-learning process with an emphasis on theory, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. Crosslisted as WMST 290 and EDUC 690.

EDUC 2NT. Education Non-traditional Study. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall, Spring, Summer; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:3
Non-traditional study in education. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

EDUC 305. Advanced Educational Psychology. 1 Credit.

Offered Alternating Fall Semester; Lecture hours:3
Both the theories and practical applications of cognitive psychology and development are emphasized. How theories connect to the field of cognitive neuroscience also is addressed. Prerequisites: EDUC 201 and permission of the instructor. Crosslisted as EDUC 605.

EDUC 308. Advanced Educational Foundations: Democracy and Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
This course employs a multidisciplinary approach to explore the relationship between education and democracy in "free" societies such as the United States. Students will critically examine the American educational system and its contemporary problems through the lenses of history, philosophy, sociology, and anthropology. Prerequisites: EDUC 101. Crosslisted as EDUC 608.

EDUC 312. Counseling Techniques. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Other:4
This course provides an introduction to counseling theory and basic micro-skills of counseling. Students will practice basic techniques of therapeutic interviewing. Crosslisted as EDUC 612.

EDUC 315. Senior Thesis. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Senior thesis. Prerequisites: permission of the instructor and department.

EDUC 317. Problems in Education. .25-1 Credits.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:Varies; Repeatable
Research on a problem not involved in a student thesis. Upperclass students. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Crosslisted as EDUC 617.

EDUC 318. Multiculturalism and Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
This course combines social science and educational research with narrative accounts to explore the historical, philosophical, sociological, and political foundations of the multicultural movement in American education. The course will examine and critique contemporary issues such as the educational experiences of minority groups, inclusive pedagogy, and bilingual education. Crosslisted as EDUC 618.

EDUC 319. Group Processes. 1 Credit.

Lecture hours:3
This course presents basic dynamics, theoretical components, and developmental aspects of group processes with clients. Students will participate in a group exercises as members and leaders. Crosslisted as EDUC 619.

EDUC 320. Ethics in Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Application of traditional and contemporary ethical theories to current dilemmas in teaching, research, counseling, administration, and educational policy.

EDUC 322. Psychology of the Exceptional Child. 1 Credit.

Offered Alternating Fall Semester; Lecture hours:3
Understanding the psychology of the exceptional child from childhood through adolescence. Focused involvement in building an understanding of the diverse ways cognitive disabilities are manifested in children and adolescents with an emphasis on prevention, intervention and remediation. Optional fieldwork. Crosslisted as EDUC 622.

EDUC 323. Education of Young Children. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Other:4
A conceptual-development overview of the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical characteristics of the early childhood years (to age 9) stressing extrapolation from developmental theory to educational practice for teachers and parents who function as the earliest educators. Crosslisted as EDUC 623.

EDUC 325. Career Development. 1 Credit.

Offered Summer Session Only; Lecture hours:6
An examination of career decision making and career choices within the context of cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development, with emphasis on both theory and practice. Crosslisted as EDUC 625.

EDUC 328. Tests and Measurement. 1 Credit.

Offered Alternating Spring Semester; Lecture hours:3
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of measurement and testing theory with emphasis on the application of those concepts in a variety of educational, psychological, and employment settings. Crosslisted as EDUC 628.

EDUC 334. Later Childhood and Adolescence. 1 Credit.

Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3
Uses theory, case studies, and field experience to illustrate early and later adolescent development. Required field work. Not open to students who have taken EDUC 335 or EDUC 635.

EDUC 335. Child & Adolescent Development. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Using textbooks, films, media and popular children's and young adult literature, this course examines all aspects of development of school-age students in grades K-12. Requires field work. Not open to students who have taken EDUC 334 or EDUC 634 or EDUC 635.

EDUC 339. Inclusive Practices. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Other:4
Students will explore the unique instructional needs of L2 learners and students with disabilities and learn how to modify and adjust content, process, and product to enhance their development in inclusive classrooms. Required fieldwork.

EDUC 341. Early Literacy. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Other:4
A study of the strategies and techniques involved in teaching children to read and to write (Pre-K-4 level). Contemporary theories of reading behavior. Required field work. Prerequisites: EDUC 101 and EDUC 201. Crosslisted as EDUC 641.

EDUC 342. Differentiation and Diversity in Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Other:4
Differential instruction and cultural awareness to foster the learning of all students in inclusive classrooms. Adaptations for reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics included. Required field work. Crosslisted as EDUC 642.

EDUC 343. Culture and Community. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Consideration of special problems arising in teaching social studies in elementary and secondary schools. Influences determining course content, including state and national standards. Prerequisite: junior status or permission of the instructor. Crosslisted as EDUC 643.

EDUC 344. Science as Inquiry. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Other:4
This course reflects best practices for the teaching of science as inquiry outlined by the National Science Education Standards and the PA State Standards. This course provides instructional methods and curricular materials appropriate for teaching science concepts, processes, and skills to young children. Prerequisites: EDUC 101 and EDUC 201. Crosslisted as EDUC 644.

EDUC 346. Literacy Across Contexts. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Other:4
This course will explore principles of creating a developmentally appropriate elementary learning environment. Emphasis is placed on writing as process, designing literacy instruction and using approaches to management appropriate to learners of various levels of cognitive, emotional, and social development. Prerequisite: Junior status or permission of instructor. Crosslisted as EDUC 646.

EDUC 347. Family, School, and Community Partnerships. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Students will explore important factors and effective strategies in creating and sustaining respectful, reciprocal, supportive and empowering relationships with families to enhance children's development and learning. Prerequisite: junior or senior status or permission of the instructor. Field experience and clearances are required.

EDUC 349. Student Teaching: Elementary. 3 Credits.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:35
Supervised practice in the design and implementation of instruction in elementary school classrooms. Emphasis on professional conduct and use of theory to inform practice. Students must be accepted into the Pre-CIP program, must have enrolled in all certification courses or obtain permission of the instructor. Corequisite: EDUC 449. Crosslisted as EDUC 649.

EDUC 350. Higher Education in the United States. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Overview of historical and contemporary trends in post-secondary education: systematic examination of selected social, political, economic, and educational forces and problems affecting contemporary higher education. Crosslisted as EDUC 650.

EDUC 351. Learning and Development in Postsecondary Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Investigation of contemporary theories pertaining to the processes of learning and development that occur from later adolescence through old age. Crosslisted as EDUC 651.

EDUC 354. Teaching of Art. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Other:4
Principles and practices of teaching art in grades K-12. Interested students should meet with the Chair of the Department of Education no later than March 15 of sophomore year. Prerequisites: EDUC 101, EDUC 201 and EDUC 335.

EDUC 355. Teaching of Science in Secondary School. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Other:4
Principles and practices of teaching biology, chemistry, physics, earth and space science, and environmental science in grades 7-12. Prerequisites: EDUC 101, EDUC 201, and EDUC 334 or EDUC 335 (EDUC 335 required for environmental science). Crosslisted as EDUC 655.

EDUC 359. Student Teaching: Secondary. 3 Credits.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:35
Supervised practice in the design and implementation of instruction in secondary school classrooms. Emphasis on professional conduct and use of theory to inform practice. Corequisite: EDUC 459. Crosslisted as EDUC 659.

EDUC 362. Quantitative Research Methods. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring or Summer; Lecture hours:3
This course emphasizes the design of quantitative research and the development of skills in analyzing and interpreting data. Quantitative research in education and psychology is critiqued in terms of theory, past research, hypothesis generation, and research design. Data input and analysis involves the use of the statistical software package SPSS. Crosslisted as EDUC 662.

EDUC 364. Qualitative Research Methods. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
This is an introduction to the foundations of qualitative design in education, including: history, philosophy, nature, types, examples, and the challenges associated with data collection and its interpretation. Crosslisted as EDUC 664.

EDUC 375. Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
This course focuses on preparing students to teach students for whom English is their second language (ESL). It focuses on three primary areas: instructional materials development for ESL; assessment and support of ESL students; and cultural awareness and sensitivity. Crosslisted as EDUC 675.

EDUC 376. English as a Second Language Internship / Professional Seminar. .5 Credits.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:1
Internship (60 hours) at varying grade levels under the supervision of certified ESL teachers in local schools with weekly professional seminar. ESL Program Specialists only. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

EDUC 398. Student Affairs Programs in Higher Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
The study of historical and philosophical foundations of the student affairs profession and the roles and functions of student affairs professionals in contemporary collegiate institutions. Crosslisted as EDUC 698.

EDUC 3NT. Education Non-traditional Study. .5-1 Credits.

Offered Fall, Spring, Summer; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:3
Education non-traditional study course. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

EDUC 425. Internship in Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:3
Supervised practice in an educational setting including a structured reflection component. This course may be used to fulfill the Culminating Experience course requirement for the B.A. in education.

EDUC 439. Student Teaching in Music. 3 Credits.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:35
Student teaching in music. Corequisite: MUSC 335. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

EDUC 449. Professional Seminar in Elementary Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Systematic approach to the observation, interpretation, verification, and remediation of problems affecting student learning. Psychological and sociological theory informing teaching practice. Implications of student diversity for adaptation of instruction. Prerequisites: EDUC 342, senior status, and permission of the instructor. Corequisite: EDUC 349.

EDUC 459. Professional Seminar in Secondary Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Systematic approach to the observation, interpretation, verification, and remediation of problems affecting student learning. Psychological and sociological theory informing teaching practice. Implications of student diversity for adaptation of instruction. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Corequisite: EDUC 359.

EDUC 484. Local Educational Politics. 1 Credit.

Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
This course introduces students to a variety of philosophical, political, and sociological theories that explain the nature of conflict in the educational arena. Crosslisted as EDUC 669.