Bucknell in Ghana
Bucknell in Ghana is the only Bucknell University faculty-led semester program in Africa. Hosted by the Africana Studies Program, the program runs in the spring semester each year beginning from 2016. One or two Bucknell faculty develop a course with an African theme to be taught off campus at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. While in Ghana students take a required course to be taught by the Bucknell faculty director and four other courses from the University of Cape Coast offerings. Students on the program also have the opportunity for weekend home visits and specially planned field trips to enable them to engage and understand the African culture in Ghana.
The University of Cape Coast is a comprehensive university with both undergraduate and graduate programs so most students will find courses that satisfy their major/minor requirements while on this program. Bucknell in Ghana is thus open to and appropriate for qualified juniors and seniors of all majors.
Students are housed in University of Cape Coast international student housing and take classes and participate in other academic/social activities with Ghanaian and other international students from various countries within the very hospitable Ghanaian culture.
By Bucknell University policy, all credits earned on this program transfer to fulfill Bucknell requirements but only the Bucknell faculty-taught course will receive Bucknell University grades.