This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Business Analytics (ANOP)

Organizations of all types increasingly rely on data and analytics to inform their decision-making processes. To this end, both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations must have the ability to transform data into information. Business Analytics (BA) is the scientific process of transforming data or quantitative models into actionable insight to improve decision-making. BA rests on three broad functional pillars: descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics.

  • Descriptive analytics prepares, displays and analyzes historical data; it identifies data patterns to report trends.

  • Predictive analytics forecasts future probabilities and trends, and determines relationships in data that may not be readily apparent with descriptive analysis.

  • Prescriptive analytics evaluates and determines new ways to operate based upon meeting certain objectives while balancing operational constraints.

This modeling and analysis cannot be done in isolation. Across the curriculum we will address and investigate the ethical implications of both the intended and unintended use of our analysis. The BA major allows students with an interest in quantitative analysis (broadly defined) to further explore their interests in an organizational context, to appreciate the inherent broad social and ethical issues within the field, and to become effective managers in any data-driven organization. The major provides our graduates the necessary analytical and communication skills built upon a broad management education to address challenges in the 21st century.

In the spring of their sophomore year, all BSBA students will, in consultation with their advisers, select a major in one of the Freeman College of Management departments and will complete the specific major requirements in addition to the Freeman College core curriculum requirements.

Business Analytics Requirements

Beyond completion of the Freeman College core requirements, all BA majors must take the following courses:

Business Analytics Core Requirements

MATH 201Calculus I1
or MATH 192 Topics in Calculus
MATH 216Statistics I1
ANOP 203Introduction to Programming for Business Analytics1
or CSCI 203 Introduction to Computer Science

Business Analytics Major Requirements

ANOP 270Data Visualization for Business Analytics1
or HUMN 270 Data Visualization for the Digital Humanities
ANOP 330Predictive Analytics1
ANOP 350Simulation and Forecasting for Business Analytics1
ANOP 370Prescriptive Analytics1
or MATH 358 Topics in Operations Research
ANOP 400Business Analytics Practicum1

Culminating Experience 

All BSBA majors must satisfy the Culminating Experience component of the Freeman College of Management General Education Curriculum by taking a course designated as such on campus no earlier than the second semester of the junior year. Business Analytics majors will fulfill this by taking ANOP 400 Business Analytics Practicum.

Drawing upon their professional and liberal education, Freeman College of Management students will be able to collaboratively create positive societal impacts through:


  • Students will demonstrate the ability to understand organizations and analyze them rigorously.


  • Students will possess the judgment, vision and integrity necessary to serve society and their professions.


  • Students will identify creative and morally responsible solutions to organizational and societal issues.


ANOP 102. Spreadsheet Modeling & Data Analysis. 1 Credit.

Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3,Other:1
This course serves as the introduction to quantitative modeling and basic statistical analysis in a spreadsheet-based environment, especially as they apply to managerial decision making.

ANOP 202. Operations Management. 1 Credit.

Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3
This course introduces students to the ways in which to model, analyze, and improve processes for producing services and goods. Prerequisite: ANOP 102 or MGMT 102. MATH 216 accepted with permission of the instructor.

ANOP 203. Introduction to Programming for Business Analytics. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Overview of programming tools and methods for analytics. Students solve computational and modeling problems using Python. This foundation of programming logic will help students understand advanced analytic tools in the upper-level Business Analytics courses. Not open to students who have taken CSCI 203.

ANOP 270. Data Visualization for Business Analytics. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
An introduction to the principles of data visualization. Students use software tools to effectively create tables, charts, figures, infographics, and exhibitions to aid in oral or written communication of quantitative insights. Prerequisite: ANOP 102 or MGMT 102 or MATH 216 or PSYC 215.

ANOP 301. Global Supply Chain Management. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
In this course students will learn the concepts and tools to model, analyze and improve global supply chain operations under a variety of contexts. Prerequisite: ANOP 102 or MATH 216 or MGMT 102 or permission of the instructor.

ANOP 302. Financial Decision Modeling. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Decision making of individuals and groups in organizations. Topics include linear and nonlinear optimization with applications in finance and accounting, fundamentals of portfolio and risk management, and the application of Monte Carlo methods to the pricing of derivatives. Prerequisites: ACFM 203 or ACFM 210 and ANOP 102, or its equivalents.

ANOP 310. Independent Study in Analytics and Operations Management. .25-1 Credits.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:3
Independent Study in Analytics and Operations Management. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

ANOP 311. Supply Chain Analytics. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
In this course students will learn basic concepts in quantitative supply chain modeling and simulation. Students learn methods that are used extensively in business organizations to solve large, structured problems. Prerequisite: ANOP 102 or MGMT 102 or MATH 216 or PSYC 215.

ANOP 315. Special Topics in Analytics and Operations Management. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Special Topics in Analytics and Operations Management. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

ANOP 330. Predictive Analytics. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Study and apply methods for efficient data collection, management, and mining using large-scale datasets. Topics include prediction and classification methods, clustering, and association rules. Two prerequisites: (ANOP 102 or MGMT 102 or MATH 216 or PSYC 215) and (ANOP 203 or CSCI 203).

ANOP 350. Simulation and Forecasting for Business Analytics. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Study of statistical modelling and simulation techniques for data and model-based forecasting (Time Series, Smoothing Methods, Regression, ARIMA, Simulation, etc.) using a variety of software tools. Two prerequisites: (ANOP 102 or MGMT 102 or MATH 216) and (ANOP 203 or CSCI 203).

ANOP 370. Prescriptive Analytics. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
An introduction to decision modeling and analysis using deterministic optimization models and solution methodologies. Two prerequisites: (ANOP 102 or MGMT 102 or MATH 216) and (ANOP 203 or CSCI 203).

ANOP 390. Honors Course in Analytics and Operations Management. .5-1 Credits.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:3; Repeatable
Honors Course in Analytics and Operations Management. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

ANOP 400. Business Analytics Practicum. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
A culminating experience course where student teams collaborate with external clients in the private, public, and non-profit sectors to work on a semester long project leveraging the skills and concepts acquired within the Business Analytics major. Prerequisite: open only to senior Business Analytics majors or by permission of the instructor.


Professors: Matthew D. Bailey (Chair), Mihai Banciu (Associate Dean of Faculty for the Freeman College of Management)

Associate Professors: Jimmy Chen, Alia C. Stanciu, Joseph Wilck (Adjunct)

Assistant Professors: Joyaditya Laik, Thiago Serra

Visiting Assistant Professors: Xinwei Chen, Behnaz Malaei