Student Research Funds
The Michael Baker Jr. Inc. Fund for Undergraduate Research in Civil & Environmental Engineering was established in 2000. The research stipends shall be awarded to undergraduate students conducting research in civil & environmental engineering, with preference given to students studying transportation systems.
The Bobko-Dennis Fund for Undergraduate Student Research was created by gifts from Dr. Philip Bobko, M.S. 1972, in honor of Russell E. Dennis, Bucknell professor of education from 1969 to 2012. Russ was a true academic and scholar-teacher who instilled his students with the passion and desire to think critically and logically. Income from the fund is dedicated to supporting undergraduate research opportunities for students majoring in psychology, philosophy, history or music.
The David Burpee Plant Genetics Fund was established in 1975 by David Burpee, retired president of the W. Atlee Burpee Company, who was a member of Bucknell’s Board of Trustees. The income from the fund shall be used to provide research scholarships to encourage and prepare promising undergraduate students for advanced graduate studies and careers in plant genetics.
The Douglas K. Candland Undergraduate Research Fund was established in 1997 by Glen E. Tullman, Class of 1981, and his wife, Trish, to honor Professor Candland’s years of service as teacher, scholar and mentor. The fund is designed to encourage imagination, innovation and the development of problem-solving skills among students majoring in the humanities and social sciences.
The Chemistry Graduate Research Fund was established under an agreement completed in 2000. Stipends from the fund shall be awarded as fellowships to MS graduate students conducting research in the Department of Chemistry. Research fellows will be selected by the chair of the Department of Chemistry upon recommendation by faculty members directing the research of the fellows.
The Culliton Family Fund for Undergraduate Research was funded by gifts from Stephen J. and Tracey D. Culliton, dedicated parents of Claire Kristen Culliton, Class of 2018. Income from the fund will be used to support summer undergraduate research opportunities for students.
The Dean's Fund for Summer Undergraduate Research in STEM was established by Michael J. Costa, Class of 1991, and Laureen Leptinsky Costa, Class 1990, in support of students who conduct summer research with a faculty member on campus. The preference is to provide support to students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds who are pursuing education in a STEM (science, technology, engineering or math) field.
The Reed-Garman Award Fund for Engineering Entrepreneurship was established as an endowed fund with gifts from Robert F. Sykes '47. Named in honor of Professors John Clifford Reed and Warren De Witt Garman, income from the fund supports awards for students in engineering who have demonstrated the most promising entrepreneurial spirit and mindset. Awards will be made as stipends for an entrepreneurially-minded project to be conducted with the support of a Bucknell faculty member during the summer between the junior and senior years. Student recipients will be chosen by the dean of engineering and honored by the University annually.
The Stephen Glenn Hobar Memorial Research Award was established by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hobar and sons Donald, Jon, Robert and James in memory of their son and brother, Glenn, Class of 1975, who lost his life while wilderness backpacking. The award is to go to a student of chemistry who has completed the sophomore year to provide the student with an opportunity to do summer research with the intent of clarifying whether chemical research is the proper academic field for the recipient. The recipient will be selected by the chemistry department.
The John M. Hustler Undergraduate Research Fund was established in 2002 by John M. Hustler, Class of 1941. The research stipends shall be awarded to undergraduate students majoring in chemistry.
The Drs. Anthony & Joyce D. Kales Undergraduate Research Fund was established in 1984 by Dr. Anthony Kales and his wife, Dr. Joyce D. Kales, in recognition that student participation in independent undergraduate research is crucial for developing their ability to perform at the highest level as medical or other graduate students. The fund will provide support for research and publication opportunities for Bucknell students, particularly those working under the supervision of faculty members in the biology and chemistry departments.
The Kalman Fund for Biomedical Education was established in 1999 by Ernest M. Kalman, Class of 1956, and his wife, Joan, in recognition of the benefits that accrue to all people through advances in medical science. The fund makes possible faculty-mentored summer research through its Fellows Program, helps acquire and maintain equipment and instrumentation required in the study of the life sciences, and supports off-campus learning opportunities for exceptional Bucknell students. The fund is designed to support the work of undergraduates who plan to pursue post-graduate education, and through the support of activities that might not otherwise be available to enhance students’ chances for acceptance into premier medical and graduate schools.
The Kalman Fund for Undergraduate Research in the Sciences was established in 1999 by Ernest M. Kalman ’56 and his wife, Joan, in recognition of the benefits that accrue to all people through advances in the sciences. The fund makes possible faculty-mentored research projects in the sciences for exceptional Bucknell students.
The Wayne E. & Margaret S. Manning Internship in the Botanical Sciences was established through a bequest from Wayne E. Manning, professor emeritus of botany and member of Bucknell’s faculty from 1945-1968, and his wife, Peg, who provided years of service to the collection. Awards from this fund shall be used for students engaged in summer research programs in the Department of Biology to encourage and prepare promising students for advanced graduate studies and careers in the botanical sciences.
The Dr. Glenn A. Moser '69 Chemistry Master's Research Fund was established with gifts from Dr. Glenn A. Moser. Income from the fund supports the chemistry master's degree program. The fund serves as a tribute to Dr. Bennett R. Willeford Jr., professor emeritus of chemistry, for his mentorship while Glenn attended Bucknell. It also honors Glenn's parents, Dr. Samuel H. Moser and Mrs. Samuel (Arlene S.) Moser, for their support, love and encouragement.
The PPL Utilities Undergraduate Research Fund was established by PPL Utilities in 1997. The research stipends shall be awarded to undergraduate students majoring in electrical engineering or management.
The James L.D. & Rebecca Roser Research Fellowship was established under an agreement completed in 2000 and funded with deferred gifts made by James L.D. Roser ’50. Stipends from the fund shall be awarded as fellowships to undergraduate students conducting research under direction of faculty. The vice president for academic affairs or their successor will name research fellows on recommendation of the deans of the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of Engineering.
The Helen E. Royer Undergraduate Research Fund was established in 2008 by Dr. Helen E. Royer, Class of 1944, in appreciation for the research opportunities made available to her at Bucknell. The fund shall support faculty-mentored research projects by undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need.
The Juliet Shield-Taylor Fund for Undergraduate Research was established in 2003. First preference for research stipends shall be given to undergraduate students undertaking summer projects in the performing arts. Secondary preference shall be given to projects in the visual arts.
The Wendell I. Smith Internships in Psychology were established by gifts from former students, friends and colleagues of Provost Smith, Class of 1946, who, as a member of the Bucknell faculty from 1946-1986, served his academic discipline and his alma mater with distinction. The internships, awarded to students who show promise of doing distinguished work in the profession, provide opportunities to work with faculty members as teaching and/or research assistants in a program administered by the head of the department.
The Thomas R. Spitzer Undergraduate Research Fund was established in 1999 by Thomas R. Spitzer, Class of 1970. The research stipends shall be awarded to undergraduate students majoring in any academic discipline who wish to participate in a medically related research position in an off-campus environment.
The Tague Family Fund for Undergraduate Research in Biomedical, Biological & Biochemical Sciences was established in 2000. The research stipends shall be awarded to undergraduate students conducting research in studies concerning breast cancer.
The Fund for Undergraduate Research in Biological & Chemical Sciences was established in 1999. The research stipends shall be awarded to undergraduate students majoring in any biological or chemical science. Research fellows are selected by competitive application.
The Robert P. Vidinghoff Memorial Summer Internship was established by Raymond A. and Virginia Vidinghoff to preserve the memory of their son, Robert, Class of 1969. Awards from the fund will be used for students engaged in summer research programs administered by the science departments at Bucknell.