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Search Results for "BIOL 375"

BIOLĀ 375. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 1 Credit.

Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3,Lab:3
In this course, we will cover the molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive neuronal function, and include topics such as excitable membrane physiology, synaptic transmission, plasticity and learning. The laboratory provides an evaluation of laboratory techniques relevant to neuroscience and analysis of papers. Crosslisted as NEUR 253 and BIOL 675.

Cell Biology/Biochemistry
Developed jointly by the biology and chemistry departments, the major in cell biology/biochemistry at Bucknell is interdisciplinary in nature. The bachelor of science major is designed for students who are interested in understanding living organisms at the cellular and molecular level. This course of study provides strong foundations in biology and chemistry and will offer the student the intellectual and the laboratory skills to grapple with questions at the interface of these two disciplines. In addition to a rigorous scientific education, this program enables students to gain a strong background in the liberal arts and to think critically about the impact of biotechnology on social and ethical issues.