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Search Results for "EDUC 101"

EDUC 101. Diversity, Equity and the Foundations of American Education. 1 Credit.

Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3
Historical, economic, philosophical, and social foundations of education, and their implications for present-day education in America. Emphasizes issues of diversity and equity. Provides a background of information for the prospective teacher and citizen. Not open to seniors.

Education at Bucknell empowers students to be critical thinkers and creative intellectual leaders in education and human services-related fields. Including both disciplinary knowledge and professional preparation, our programs allow students to explore issues of equity and justice rooted in the historical, philosophical, sociological and psychological dimensions of education as they inform teaching and learning practices. Coursework in education thus provides students with opportunities to shape and contribute to the common good as they learn about the diverse social contexts of education. Such experiences foster the personal development of our students as well as those with whom they will ultimately work.