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Search Results for "WMST 150"

WMST 150. Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall, Spring or Summer; Lecture hours:3
Interdisciplinary introduction to the major theories, themes, and issues of women's and gender studies.

Women’s & Gender Studies
Women’s & gender studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that examines the complex ways gender interacts with other identity vectors such as race, sexuality, class, ability, nation and religion. While the field historically focused on women’s lives and experiences, women’s & gender studies today also centers on the analysis of interlocking systems of oppression and privilege, thus prioritizing intersectional frameworks for studying the broad spectrum of gender and sexuality. The field frames questions of gender and feminisms in ways that connect the local to the global and promote an understanding of the relations of power in multiple political, social, cultural and international contexts. Because women’s & gender studies prioritizes praxis, questions of equity and inclusion are integral to research, teaching and service within the field. The Department of Women’s & Gender Studies at Bucknell exposes students to a wide range of critical perspectives, methodological approaches and research tools in service of exploring the social construction of gender as we experience it today in the U.S. as well as in different cultural environments and at different historical moments.