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Search Results for "SPAN 245"

SPAN 245. Topics in Spain. 1 Credit.

Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3
Guides students in their experience of life and culture in Spain, and fosters their reflection on the cross-cultural learning experience. Only offered in the Bucknell en España program.

Bucknell en España
Bucknell en España offers a high quality academic and residential experience for Bucknell students who want to complete overseas study in Spain. If possible, the Bucknell en España program is open to students who have a proficiency-level equivalent to SPAN 105 or above. Students choose from a wide variety of curricular options at the Universidad de Granada’s Centro de Lenguas Modernas to advance their major or minor studies in Spanish or to complement other programs of study at Bucknell. A Bucknell faculty member, normally from the Department of Spanish, serves as faculty-in-residence and teaches a required course ( SPAN 245 ) that deals with some aspect of Iberian culture related to the professor’s area of expertise. This course includes several excursions to relevant cultural sites throughout Spain.