Crime, Fire Safety & Campus Emergency Information
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) is a federal law requiring all institutions of higher education that participate in the federal student financial aid program to disseminate a public, annual security report to employees and students. The annual report must include campus crime statistics for the preceding three calendar years and policy statements regarding (but not limited to) crime reporting, campus facility security and access, law enforcement authority, incidence of alcohol and drug use, and prevention of/response to sexual assault, stalking, dating violence and domestic violence.
The Clery Act is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education and campuses that fail to comply may be subject to financial penalties and other penalties up to and including possible suspension from participation in federal financial aid programs. To be in full compliance with the requirements of the Clery Act, Bucknell must:
1. Publish its Annual Security Report to all current students and employees no later than Oct. 1 of each year.
2. Prospective students and employees must also be informed about the availability of the report. The report must include crime statistics for the preceding three calendar years, and safety and security related policy statements, campus crime prevention programs, and a list of procedures to be followed in the investigation and review of alleged incidents of sexual assault, stalking, dating violence or domestic violence.
3. Keep and make available a log of all crime reported to the Department of Public Safety within the most recent 60 days.
4. Disclose missing student notification procedures relating to students residing in campus housing.
5. Disclose fire safety information for on-campus housing. Bucknell includes within the Annual Clery report fire statistics and has a combined Annual Security and Fire Report (ASFR)
The Annual Security and Fire Report (ASFR) also addresses requirements for institutions established by the Violence Against Women Act in regard to rights afforded to survivors of sexual assault, stalking, dating violence and domestic violence. Bucknell University is in full compliance with this law and such information is available to you in writing, upon request, at the Department of Public Safety building or on the Bucknell University Public Safety website at