African Studies Minor

The interdepartmental African studies minor gives an understanding of Africa’s rich histories, diversity and role in the world today, and contributes an international focus to a liberal arts education. It consists of five courses chosen from the list below. Students must take at least three core courses, and they must choose two other courses from the list below. If possible, at least one course should be related to the student’s major. In consultation with the coordinators of the minor, students may include an Africa-related course from the African-American or Caribbean studies list. In general, there are no prerequisites for the courses on the African studies minor list.

Core Courses:

ANTH 329Religions in Africa: Spirits, Saints, and Sufis1
ECON 224African Women & Social Action1
ECON 235African Economic Development1
ECON 270/UNIV 284South Africa: Social Entrepreneurship1
ENCW 112Writing Fiction: Black Writers1
ENCW 312Black Sci-Fi Workshop1
ENST/CBST 263Conservation in Africa1
FOUN 098Foundation Seminar (South Africa)1
FREN 336Francophone Worlds1
HIST/CBST/IREL 274Africa and International Relations in Historical Perspective1
HIST 275Race and Colonial Regimes in Africa1
HIST 276/IREL 271Popular Culture in Africa1
HIST 277/IREL 273/WMST 277Gender in Africa1
HIST 291Africa: Ancient to Early Modern Times 4000BCE-1400CE1
HIST 292Making Contemporary Africa: 'Early Modern' to the 'Post-Modern' World - 1400 to the Present1
UNIV 200Integrated Perspectives Course (Africa and the Media)1

Other African Studies Course:

HIST 290Europe Imperialism and Colonialism1

Courses taken in semester-long or yearlong programs in Africa may count toward the minor.


Co-coordinators: Cymone Fourshey, Michelle C. Johnson