East Asian Studies
The civilizations of East Asia offer a wealth of human experience of invaluable import to every academic discipline. Unbroken cultural lines of great antiquity lead to modern East Asian cultures of ever-growing global significance. Whether we look to the past, the present or the future, in studying East Asia, we study ourselves and our world.
A traditional liberal education that is limited to the study of “Western” civilization is no longer a liberal education. The Department of East Asian Studies, therefore, offers courses for all Bucknell students, regardless of language ability, as well as the special interests of students choosing any of the department's three majors or minors: Chinese, Japanese or East Asian studies. The Chinese and Japanese majors focus on in-depth knowledge of a specific country through extended engagement with its primary language combined with a range of focused culture courses. The East Asian Studies major provides a broader overview of the region through a combination of culture courses focused on both China and Japan, and at least a year of language study in either Chinese or Japanese.
All students majoring or minoring in the Department of East Asian Studies are strongly encouraged to seek opportunities for summer, semester, or preferably full-year study in China or Japan. Bucknell is a member of the Associated Kyoto Program, under which students may, if accepted, spend part or all of their junior year at Doshisha University in Japan. Many other opportunities to study in East Asia also are available.
East Asian Studies offers three distinct majors: Chinese and Japanese, which both emphasize language and focused cultural competency; and East Asian Studies, which emphasizes a broad exposure to the cultures of both China and Japan.
Chinese Major
The major entails a program of study (created in consultation with a department adviser) focused on the history, culture and language of China, and requires a minimum of 10 courses:
Proficiency in Chinese language at the 202 level, and at least two of these language courses taken at Bucknell. Native speakers of Chinese must demonstrate Japanese language proficiency at the 202 level, and at least two of these language courses must be taken at Bucknell. | 2 | |
One course in Chinese history: 1 | 1 | |
China from Ancient Time to 18th Century | ||
China Since 1800 | ||
The People's Republic of China | ||
One course in Chinese literature or film: | 1 | |
The Red Brush: Women Writers in Imperial China | ||
Chinese Literature in Translation | ||
China Through the Lens | ||
Love, Crime, and the Supernatural: Late Imperial Chinese Fiction | ||
EAST electives focused on China | 2 | |
CHIN or EAST electives | 2 | |
One EAST course outside the China focus 2 | 1 | |
EAST 395 | East Asian Studies Honors Thesis 3 | 1 |
or EAST 400 | East Asian Studies Senior Thesis |
- 1
Only one 100-level EAST course may be counted toward the major.
- 2
Students should consult with their East Asian Studies adviser or chair.
- 3
Culminating Experience.
The department encourages majors and potential majors, especially those considering a double major, to consult early and frequently with an EAST faculty member to explore ways to systematically connect and expand work completed in the culture courses taken for the major with the research project that forms the core of the Culminating Experience.
The Culminating Experience provides students an opportunity to pursue focused research on a subject relevant to their concentration and of interest to them. The Culminating Experience must: involve substantial writing, involve substantial research, incorporate Chinese-language sources (Japanese-language sources for native speakers of Chinese) or, treat in depth some aspect of the culture of China, and be presented at the spring Majors’ Symposium.
All students majoring in Chinese will receive instruction in writing, speaking and information literacy in the discipline through experiences in the language courses, culture courses and the Culminating Experience that each major completes.
East Asian Studies Major
The major provides a broad introduction to the histories and cultures of China and Japan, and entails a program of study (created in consultation with a department adviser) that requires a minimum of 10 courses:
Proficiency in Chinese or Japanese language at the 102 level, and at least one Chinese or Japanese language course taken at Bucknell or on an approved abroad program. Native speakers of either Chinese or Japanese must demonstrate this proficiency in the other language. | 1 | |
Five cultural courses comprising one course from each of the following areas of study: 1 | 5 | |
Chinese history: | ||
China from Ancient Time to 18th Century | ||
China Since 1800 | ||
The People's Republic of China | ||
Japanese history: | ||
From Shinto to Shogun: Pre-modern Japan | ||
Modern Japanese History | ||
Contemporary Japanese History | ||
Chinese literature or film: | ||
The Red Brush: Women Writers in Imperial China | ||
Chinese Literature in Translation | ||
China Through the Lens | ||
Love, Crime, and the Supernatural: Late Imperial Chinese Fiction | ||
Japanese literature or film: | ||
Modern Japanese Literature in Translation | ||
Japanese Warrior in Literature | ||
Passion/Perversion: Japan Film | ||
Religious studies: | ||
Buddhism | ||
Chinese Communist Religion | ||
Three additional EAST electives: | 3 | |
EAST 395 | East Asian Studies Honors Thesis 2 | 1 |
or EAST 400 | East Asian Studies Senior Thesis |
- 1
Only one 100-level EAST course may be counted toward the major.
- 2
Culminating Experience.
The department encourages majors and potential majors, especially those considering a double major, to consult early and frequently with an EAST faculty member to explore ways to systematically connect and expand work done in the culture courses taken for the major with the research project that forms the core of the Culminating Experience.
The Culminating Experience provides students an opportunity to pursue focused research on a subject relevant to their concentration and of interest to them. The Culminating Experience must: involve substantial writing, involve substantial research, treat in depth some aspect of the culture of Japan or China, and be presented at the spring Majors’ Symposium.
All students majoring in East Asian Studies will receive instruction in writing, speaking and information literacy in the discipline through experiences in the language courses, culture courses and the Culminating Experience that each major completes.
Japanese Major
The major entails a program of study (created in consultation with a department adviser) focused on the history, culture and language of Japan, and requires a minimum of 10 courses:
Proficiency in Japanese language at the 202 level, and at least two of these language courses taken at Bucknell. Native speakers of Japanese must demonstrate Chinese language proficiency at the 202 level, and at least two of these language courses must be taken at Bucknell. | 2 | |
One course in Japanese history: 1 | 1 | |
From Shinto to Shogun: Pre-modern Japan | ||
Modern Japanese History | ||
Contemporary Japanese History | ||
One course in Japanese literature or film: | 1 | |
Modern Japanese Literature in Translation | ||
Japanese Warrior in Literature | ||
Passion/Perversion: Japan Film | ||
EAST electives focused on Japan | 2 | |
JAPN or EAST electives | 2 | |
One EAST course outside the Japan focus 2 | 1 | |
EAST 395 | East Asian Studies Honors Thesis 3 | 1 |
or EAST 400 | East Asian Studies Senior Thesis |
- 1
Only one 100-level EAST course may be counted toward the major.
- 2
Students should consult with their East Asian Studies adviser or chair.
- 3
Culminating Experience.
The department encourages majors and potential majors, especially those considering a double major, to consult early and frequently with an EAST faculty member to explore ways to systematically connect and expand work completed in the culture courses taken for the major with the research project that forms the core of the Culminating Experience.
The Culminating Experience provides students an opportunity to pursue focused research on a subject relevant to their concentration and of interest to them. The Culminating Experience must: involve substantial writing, involve substantial research, incorporate Japanese-language sources (Chinese-language sources for native speakers of Japanese) or, treat in depth some aspect of the culture of Japan, and be presented at the spring Majors’ Symposium.
All students majoring in Japanese will receive instruction in writing, speaking and information literacy in the discipline through experiences in the language courses, culture courses and the Culminating Experience that each major completes.
Minor in East Asian Studies
The department offers three minors.
East Asian Studies Minor
Five EAST courses | 5 | |
A minor in East Asian Studies consists of five coherently-grouped department courses, of which one must be selected from the following: | ||
China from Ancient Time to 18th Century | ||
China Since 1800 | ||
From Shinto to Shogun: Pre-modern Japan | ||
Modern Japanese History | ||
Contemporary Japanese History | ||
The People's Republic of China |
Minor in Chinese
A minor in Chinese consists of six department courses, of which four must be in the respective language.
Minor in Japanese
A minor in Japanese consists of six department courses, of which four must be in the respective language.
At the completion of the program, students in East Asian studies will be able to:
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of the history of Japan, China or Korea, and their basic chronologies.
- Demonstrate a nuanced understanding of contemporary culture of their country of concentration, informed by the unique mix of academic disciplines in each student’s curriculum.
- Discern major issues of cross-regional social, historical or cultural importance.
- Present ideas coherently in speech in the language of concentration.
- Present ideas coherently in writing in the language of concentration.
- Read basic fiction and non-fiction and be able to converse confidently about topics related to those materials.
- Understand Japanese or Chinese spoken at a natural speed.
Chinese Courses
CHIN 101. Chinese I. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Recitation:2
Intensive introduction to spoken and written "Mandarin" Chinese, the puutonghuah (common language) of modern China.
CHIN 102. Chinese I. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Recitation:2
Intensive introduction to spoken and written "Mandarin" Chinese, the puutonghuah (common language) of modern China. Prerequisite: CHIN 101.
CHIN 103. Chinese II. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Recitation:2
Continued rigorous study of spoken and written "Mandarin" Chinese now called puutonghuah (the common language). Prerequisite: CHIN 102 or equivalent.
CHIN 104. Chinese II. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Recitation:2
Continued rigorous study of spoken and written "Mandarin" Chinese now called puutonghuah (the common language). Prerequisite: CHIN 103 or equivalent.
CHIN 201. Chinese III. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Continued study of modern "Mandarin." Contemporary essays, movie scripts, short stories and newspaper articles. Equal emphasis on reading and speaking. Conducted in Chinese. Prerequisite: CHIN 104 or equivalent.
CHIN 202. Chinese III. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Continued study of modern "Mandarin." Contemporary essays, movie scripts, short stories and newspaper articles. Equal emphasis on reading and speaking. Conducted in Chinese. Prerequisite: CHIN 201 or equivalent.
CHIN 203. Chinese IV. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Reading and discussion of selected modern Chinese texts: newspaper and magazine articles, essays, short stories, and film scripts. Conducted in Chinese. Prerequisite: CHIN 202 or equivalent.
CHIN 204. Chinese IV. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Reading and discussion of selected modern Chinese texts: newspaper and magazine articles, essays, short stories, and film scripts. Conducted in Chinese. Prerequisite: CHIN 203 or equivalent.
CHIN 301. Chinese V. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:4
Study of Chinese films and film scripts and an introduction to Classical Chinese. Besides reading and speaking, interpreting and writing essays are emphasized. Prerequisite: CHIN 204 or equivalent.
CHIN 302. Chinese V. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:4
Study of Chinese films and film scripts and an introduction to Classical Chinese. Besides reading and speaking, interpreting and writing essays are emphasized. Prerequisite: CHIN 301 or equivalent.
CHIN 310. Advanced Seminar in Chinese Study. 1 Credit.
Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3; Repeatable
Selected topics in Chinese studies. In Chinese. Course topic varies. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
CHIN 319. Independent Studies in Chinese. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Independent projects conducted in Chinese in the student's area of special interest. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
CHIN 320. Independent Studies in Chinese. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Independent projects conducted in Chinese in the student's area of special interest. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
East Asian Studies Courses
EAST 120. Introduction to Chinese Culture. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Introductory course on Chinese culture from antiquity to the middle of the 20th century, covering philosophy, literature and arts.
EAST 131. Introduction to Brush Calligraphy: Character Composition Practicum. .5 Credits.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:1.5
This course is an introduction to the art of brush calligraphy. Students will engage in the practice of composing Chinese characters. Those who are interested in Japanese, Chinese or studio art are encouraged to participate.
EAST 132. Brush Calligraphy II. .5 Credits.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:1.5
This course is a continuation of EAST 131. The course aims to cultivate abilities that will enable students to engage in the practice of brush calligraphy, express their views and ideas about calligraphy and to relate broadly to how written language and art converge in culture and tradition.
EAST 134. Modern China Through Digital Lenses. 1 Credit.
Offered Summer Session Only; Lecture hours:2,Other:5
In this course, we use computational tools (Voyant, ImageJ, Neatline, ArcGIS Story Map) to study the history of modern China (1800-2000). We focus on several influential figures in the 19th and 20th centuries whose ideas and actions transformed the intellectual and political landscape of the country.
EAST 203. Digital Methods in Chinese Studies. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:.5,Other:2.5
This course introduces students to digital tools and resources in Chinese studies. Topics include data mining, database design, and data visualization. It combines discussion of digitally-empowered scholarship in Chinese studies and training in the technical know-how. Knowledge of Chinese language, Chinese history, or programming is not required. Crosslisted as HIST 203.
EAST 205. Introduction to Translation Studies. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
An introduction to the history, theories, and development of the field of Translation Studies. Facility in one language other than English is strongly recommended. Crosslisted as HUMN 260.
EAST 208. The Red Brush: Women Writers in Imperial China. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
In this course we explore the writings of Chinese women from the 1st to the early 20th centuries, and discuss the changing social and historical contexts within which these women wrote, and the obstacles these women writers had to overcome in order to ensure that their voices were heard. Crosslisted as WMST 208.
EAST 209. Society and Culture in Imperial China. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3; Repeatable
This course explores, in depth, a diversity of topics in pre-modern Chinese history from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective. Besides Chinese history, we also discuss sociological/anthropological theories and history of other parts of the world. Thematic and temporal focus changes in each offering. Possible topics include economy, state, elite, religion. Crosslisted as HIST 209.
EAST 212. Modern Japanese Literature in Translation. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Literary trends in 20th-century Japan with emphasis on the development of the modern novel and short story. Works by Soseki, Tanizaki, Kawabata, Mishima, Abe, Enchi, Murakami and others. Taught in English.
EAST 213. Chinese Literature in Translation. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Great works of modern and contemporary Chinese literature.
EAST 220. Japanese Warrior in Literature. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Traces the literary (re)construction of the 'warrior' in Japanese literature, from the samurai of the 12th century to the Imperial soldier of the mid 20th century. Taught in English.
EAST 222. Passion/Perversion: Japan Film. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3,Other:3
A discussion class in which numerous modern Japanese films are used to explore the representation of desire, both passionate and perverse. WARNING: explicit sexual content. Crosslisted as WMST 221.
EAST 226. East Asian Politics. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
This course surveys political history, political institutions, economy, and society of major countries in East Asia, with focus on the continuity and changes in politics and policies of China, Japan, and Korea. Crosslisted as IREL 226 and POLS 226.
EAST 227. Health and Healing in Chinese History. 1 Credit.
Offered Alternate Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
This course explores the diverse and evolving concepts of body, health and illness, as well as therapeutic theories and practices in Chinese history from pre-imperial times (circa 5th century BCE) to the twentieth century.
EAST 228. China Through the Lens. 1 Credit.
Offered Alternating Spring Semester; Lecture hours:3
A history of cinema in mainland China, its origin and important periods, movements, and "generations," as well as representative cinemas of Taiwan and Hong Kong.
EAST 229. Love, Crime, and the Supernatural: Late Imperial Chinese Fiction. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
This seminar explores “huaben”, a maturing vernacular fiction genre starting early 17th century in China. We will discuss the social and cultural context that gave rise to this genre, the intersections between this genre and other literary, performative, and artistic genres, as well as its modern implications.
EAST 231. Arts of East Asia. 1 Credit.
Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3
This course introduces you to the art of China, Korea, and Japan from prehistory to the present. We examine a broad range of objects-ritual bronze vessels, Buddhist temple architecture, Neo-Confucian landscape painting, and ukiyo-e woodblock prints-to emphasize how cross-cultural exchanges stimulated new interpretations across time and space. Crosslisted as ARTH 231.
EAST 233. China from Ancient Time to 18th Century. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
Chinese history and culture from their beginnings to the middle of the Qing Dynasty, before that dynasty and China were challenged by the West. Crosslisted as HIST 293.
EAST 234. China Since 1800. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
China from the eve of its modern confrontation with the West to the present through years of traumatic challenge and change. Crosslisted as HIST 294.
EAST 238. Readings in Chinese History: Seminar. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Students will read a diversity of historical materials from pre-modern China. Readings are in Chinese, and class discussion focuses on interpretation. English-language introductions and scholarly publications may be included to provide contextual information. Basic knowledge of classical/literary Chinese (wenyanwen) is required.
EAST 248. International Relations of East Asia. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
This course offers an overview of international relations in East Asia, with focus on political, economic, and social interactions among major states in the region. Crosslisted as IREL 283 and POLS 283.
EAST 251. Buddhism. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3,Other:1
Interdisciplinary introduction to Buddhism, including basic teachings of liberation from suffering, impermanence, no-self, ethics, and meditation. Also explores the historical development of various streams of Buddhism in Asia and the West, with attention to the effect of Buddhism on society, politics, and material culture. Crosslisted as RELI 200.
EAST 252. Chinese Communist Religion. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
This course focuses on religion in modern China under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. It examines the development of Buddhism, Taoism, popular religions, and western religions in China, from ancient times to the present day, against the backdrop of political ideology that traditionally deems religion "the opiate of the masses." Crosslisted as RELI 245.
EAST 254. From Shinto to Shogun: Pre-modern Japan. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
The course will examine the cultural and institutional developments which constitute the Japanese heritage, with emphasis on classical Heian and early medieval court culture and late medieval samurai society. Crosslisted as HIST 295.
EAST 255. Modern Japanese History. 1 Credit.
Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3
Japan from a few hundred samurai-ruled domains loosely held together by a shogun to a bureaucratic modern nation-state in service to an emperor: small wars won, expansive empire gained, cosmopolitan cities built, and a big war lost. Crosslisted as HIST 296.
EAST 256. Contemporary Japanese History. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3,Other:1
Political and cultural history of post-World War II Japan using various sources including film, anime, art, political cartoon, popular song. Crosslisted as HIST 286.
EAST 264. The Cold War in Asia. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Explores how the Cold War developed in Asia.
EAST 265. China and Africa: Past and Present. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
This course discusses China’s evolving relationship with Africa in the recent two centuries and how it was shaped by ideology, China's domestic politics, and its international standing.
EAST 266. Chinese Philosophy. 1 Credit.
Offered Alternate Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
An introduction to Chinese thought, including: the major schools and thinkers of the classical age, Chinese Buddhist philosophy, early modern Neo-confucianism, and Chinese philosophy since the Communist Revolution of 1949. Crosslisted as HUMN 266 and PHIL 266.
EAST 267. The People's Republic of China. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3
A historical look at life in China under the rule of the Communist Party. Unprecedented triumphs and tribulations. Crosslisted as HIST 297.
EAST 269. Chinese Politics. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
This examines China's rich political history, its dynamic economic and social changes, its lasting political culture, it enduring struggle for modernization, and its evolving relations with the rest of the world. Crosslisted as IREL 225 and POLS 225.
EAST 275. History of Korea 1800-Present. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
This course explores the shaping of modern Korea.
EAST 295. Topics in East Asian Studies. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3; Repeatable
Topics vary.
EAST 299. Topics in the History of the Third World. 1 Credit.
Offered Occasionally; Lecture hours:3
History of Vietnam.
EAST 321. Independent Study. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:3; Repeatable
Individual program of reading, research, or writing. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
EAST 322. Independent Study. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3; Repeatable
Individual programs of reading, research, or writing. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
EAST 330. Hokusai and the Global Art of Edo. 1 Credit.
Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3
From luminous golden folding screens to delicate lines in woodblock prints, the arts of Edo (1603-1868) Japan profoundly impacted artists worldwide. How is this art global when seclusion policies of the era forbade foreign travel? Such questions guide our discussion as we focus particularly on artworks in the Samek Museum. Crosslisted as ARTH 330.
EAST 339. China & East Asian Economics. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
An analysis of economic transition and development in China, with emphasis on its role in the Asia-Pacific and world economies. Prerequisites: ECON 202 and ECON 203 or permission of the instructor. Crosslisted as ECON 339.
EAST 369. Seminar in East Asian History and Culture. 1 Credit.
Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3; Repeatable
A multidisciplinary seminar for Japanese and East Asian Studies majors. Bibliography, sources and disciplinary approaches to East Asia.
EAST 370. Seminar in East Asian History and Culture. 1 Credit.
Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3; Repeatable
A multidisciplinary seminar for Japanese and East Asian Studies majors. Individual and group studies of selected topics.
EAST 382. U.S.-China Relations. 1 Credit.
Offered Either Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3
Through tracing the evolution of U.S.-China relations from the 18th century to the present, this course discusses major issues and challenges between the two countries today. Future trends of the bilateral relationship will also be explored. Prerequisite: POLS 170. Preference given to POLS/IREL/EAST majors. Crosslisted as IREL 482 and POLS 382.
EAST 395. East Asian Studies Honors Thesis. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:3
Focused research relevant to department Culminating Experience. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Seniors only.
EAST 400. East Asian Studies Senior Thesis. 1 Credit.
Offered Both Fall and Spring; Lecture hours:3
Focused research relevant to department Culminating Experience. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Seniors only.
Japanese Courses
JAPN 101. Japanese I. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:5,Recitation:2
Beginning language skills. Training in speaking and comprehending the basic sentence patterns of modern Japanese. Introduction to reading and writing.
JAPN 102. Japanese I. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:5,Recitation:2
Beginning language skills. Training in speaking and comprehending the basic sentence patterns of modern Japanese. Introduction to reading and writing. Prerequisite: JAPN 101 or the equivalent.
JAPN 103. Japanese II. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:Varies,Recitation:3
Continued training in the four language skills. Review of basic and introduction to complex sentence patterns. Reading of texts in basic Japanese. Prerequisite: JAPN 102 or the equivalent.
JAPN 104. Japanese II. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:Varies,Recitation:3
Continued training in the four language skills. Review of basic and introduction to complex sentence patterns. Reading of texts in basic Japanese. Prerequisite: JAPN 103 or the equivalent.
JAPN 201. Japanese III. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:5,Other:1
Application of the four language skills. Reading of texts written in standard Japanese and exercises in content-controlled conversation. Prerequisite: JAPN 104 or equivalent.
JAPN 202. Japanese III. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:5,Other:1
Application of the four language skills. Reading of texts written in standard Japanese and exercises in content-controlled conversation. Prerequisite: JAPN 201 or equivalent.
JAPN 203. Japanese IV. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:4
Continued application of the four language skills. Reading and guided discussion of texts related to a variety of topics. Prerequisite: JAPN 202 or the equivalent.
JAPN 204. Japanese IV. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:4
Continued application of the four language skills. Reading and guided discussion of texts related to a variety of topics. Prerequisite: JAPN 203 or the equivalent.
JAPN 301. Japanese V. 1 Credit.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:4; Repeatable
Reading and discussion of selected materials. Exercises in the research skills of writing and presenting reports in Japanese. Prerequisite: JAPN 204 or the equivalent.
JAPN 302. Japanese V. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:4; Repeatable
Reading and discussion of selected materials. Exercises in the research skills of writing and presenting reports in Japanese. Prerequisite: JAPN 301 or the equivalent.
JAPN 310. Japanese Studies Advanced Seminar. 1 Credit.
Offered Alternating Spring Semester; Lecture hours:3; Repeatable
Advanced study of Japanese/English translation. Prerequisite: JAPN 202 or higher.
JAPN 319. Independent Studies in Japanese. .5-1 Credits.
Offered Fall Semester Only; Lecture hours:Varies,Other:Varies; Repeatable
Independent projects conducted in Japanese in the student's area of special interest. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
JAPN 320. Independent Studies in Japanese. 1 Credit.
Offered Spring Semester Only; Lecture hours:3; Repeatable
Independent projects conducted in Japanese in the student's area of special interest. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
Professor: Elizabeth L. Armstrong (Teaching)
Associate Professors: Song Chen, Erik R. Lofgren (Chair), James J. Orr, Xi Tian
Assistant Professor: Yunjing Xu
Visiting Assistant Professor: Yuka Kaneko Hughes