
Education at Bucknell empowers students to be critical thinkers and creative intellectual leaders in education and human services-related fields. Including both disciplinary knowledge and professional preparation, our programs allow students to explore issues of equity and justice rooted in the historical, philosophical, sociological and psychological dimensions of education as they inform teaching and learning practices. Coursework in education thus provides students with opportunities to shape and contribute to the common good as they learn about the diverse social contexts of education. Such experiences foster the personal development of our students as well as those with whom they will ultimately work. 

The following values inform our work with undergraduate students:

Merging Liberal Arts and Professional Experiences
We believe that combining deep knowledge with application enhances the education of our undergraduate students by developing their depth of understanding, resourcefulness, imagination and interpersonal skills, enabling them to become effective leaders and educators in a wide variety of civic and organizational settings. 

Cultivating Critical Thinking and Equity-Orientation
Our aim is to help students develop professional dispositions in critical thinking, ethics and leadership so that they will be able to help others maximize their opportunities for success in inclusive educational environments. Through our work together, we engage intellect, affect and action, inviting students to consider how to best understand and engage with issues of inequality in education and other social institutions. 

Fostering Engaged Learning and Applied Knowledge
Our programs are designed to enhance students’ ability to apply their understanding of the social dynamics of education, theories of human development, learning, instruction and behavior to many professional contexts. Well-embedded in the curricular commitments of the University and reflective of the diversity of faculty expertise within the department, we facilitate our students’ engagement in a variety of high-impact educational practices, including writing-intensive courses, undergraduate research, ePortfolios, service and community-based learning, and internships, including student teaching.

Preparing Students for Reflective Action in Diverse Settings
Coursework in education is intended to prepare students to contribute to the improvement and effectiveness of education in their roles as professionals, leaders, citizens and parents. This broad conceptualization of education is thought to enhance the liberal education of all students while also holistically preparing those interested in teaching in public or private schools. In addition to teaching, graduates from our programs enter careers in government, non-profit organizations and industry. Others go on to graduate or professional programs in education or allied fields (e.g., special education, school counseling, school psychology, social work, college student personnel, curriculum and instruction, educational research, educational leadership and administration) as well as other fields, such as law, medicine, psychology and sociology.


The department offers the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED). A major in education within either degree program can prepare students to pursue careers in teaching. It also provides the necessary background and preparation for graduate work in various disciplines, and for careers in law, business and public service. Students interested in secondary or K-12 certification seek a degree in the discipline they wish to teach and may either pursue certification only or a dual major in education and the discipline.

The BA degree with a major in education is designed for students who are interested in studying the process and structure of education and schooling but who are not necessarily interested in pursuing a career in teaching. Students who want to obtain certification in early childhood education should pursue the BSED degree. Students interested in secondary certification should pursue a degree in the discipline they wish to teach.