Social Justice Minor
The minor consists of five credits: a core course and four electives. At least one of the five courses must be a community-based research/service-learning course (see footnote1).
Core Courses
The core courses are intended to provide students with the ability to assess contrasting views of what constitutes social justice and include both self-reflection and critical thinking. In addition, core courses may also give historical background on an issue or issues of social injustice and/or provide an introduction to concepts such as oppression and privilege.
ENST 255 | Environmental Injustice and Activism | 1 |
PHIL 214 | Social and Political Philosophy | 1 |
POLS 210 | Political Theory | 1 |
To ensure interdisciplinary study and encourage students to develop knowledge of a number of different social justice issues, electives are divided into five categories. A student must take their four courses from at least two of the five categories and from at least two different disciplines or departments. No more than two courses may be at the 100 level.
A. Gender & Sexuality
ANTH 290 | Medical Anthropology | 1 |
EDUC 290 | Gender Issues in Education | 1 |
ENLS 228 | Gender and Sexuality in America | 1 |
HIST 100 | Thinking about History | 1 |
HIST 214 | Topics in American History | 1 |
HIST 222 | U.S. History from the 1940s to the Present | 1 |
HUMN 320 | History of Sexuality | 1 |
PHIL 230 | Feminist Philosophy | 1 |
POLS 213 | Gender and Politics in Comparative Perspective | 1 |
POLS 388 | Gender & International Relations | 1 |
PSYC 303 | Critical Psychologies 1 | 1 |
SOCI 100 | Introduction to Sociology | 1 |
SOCI 241 | Marriages and Families in the 21st Century | 1 |
SOCI/WMST 328 | Mating and Marrying in America | 1 |
WMST 150 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | 1 |
WMST 225 | Reading Race, Gender and Sexuality | 1 |
WMST 232 | Gender and Sexuality in South Asia | 1 |
B. Race & Ethnicity
ANTH 256 | Anthropology of Native North America | 1 |
ECON 270 | South Africa: Social Entrepreneurship | 1 |
EDUC 318 | Critical Multiculturalism | 1 |
ENLS 203 | Introduction to Race and Literature | 1 |
ENLS 300 | Seminar in Literary Theory and Criticism | 1 |
ENLS 311 | Seminar in Contemporary American Literature | 1 |
HIST 100 | Thinking about History | 1 |
HIST 214 | Topics in American History | 1 |
HIST 219 | American Abolition | 1 |
HIST 220 | American Civil War and Reconstruction | 1 |
HIST 290 | Europe Imperialism and Colonialism | 1 |
MUSC 257 | Music and Culture: Jazz, Rock, and Race | 1 |
PHIL 229 | Philosophy and Race | 1 |
POLS 211 | Politics of the Developing World | 1 |
POLS 219 | Latin American Politics | 1 |
POLS 246 | Race Ethnicity and American Politics | 1 |
POLS 263 | Race & Ethnicity in American Legal Thought | 1 |
POLS 353 | Comparative Ethnic Politics | 1 |
PSYC 240 | Critical Multicultural Psychology | 1 |
RELI 209 | Israel: Land, People, and Tradition | 1 |
SOCI 243 | Sociology of Race and Ethnicity | 1 |
C. Poverty, Inequality & Class
ANTH 266 | Money, Markets and Magic 2 | 1 |
CLAS 337 | Use and Abuse of the Past: Adaptation and Revision | 1 |
ECON 204 | Intermediate Political Economy | 1 |
ECON 270/UNIV 284 | South Africa: Social Entrepreneurship 1, 2 | 1 |
EDUC 101 | Diversity, Equity and the Foundations of American Education | 1 |
EDUC 227 | Immigrant Youth in U.S. Society | 1 |
EDUC 318 | Critical Multiculturalism | 1 |
GEOG 201 | Special Topics in Geography | 1 |
GEOG 209 | Economic Geography 2 | 1 |
HIST 290 | Europe Imperialism and Colonialism | 1 |
IREL 240 | Human Security 2 | 1 |
IREL 252 | Political Economy of Global Resources 2 | 1 |
MORS 250 | Poverty and Organizations | 1 |
PSYC 307 | Culture and Child Development | 1 |
PSYC 320 | Children's Studies 1 | 1 |
SOCI 311 | Globalization, Technology and Cultural Change | 1 |
SOCI 351 | Field Research | .5-2 |
WMST 251 | Gender, Power and Global Development | 1 |
D. Environmental Justice
ANTH 260 | Environmental Anthropology | 1 |
ENLS 272 | Studies in Literature and the Environment | 1 |
ENST 211 | Environmental Pollution and Control | 1 |
ENST 221 | Hazardous Waste and Society | 1 |
ENST 232 | Identity, Inequality, and the Environment | 1 |
ENST 236 | Environmental Ethics | 1 |
ENST 245 | Environmental Politics, Policy, & Justice | 1 |
ENST 246 | Environmental Activism | 1 |
ENST 255 | Environmental Injustice and Activism | 1 |
ENST/ENLS 278 | World Literature and Environmental Justice | 1 |
ENST 286 | Imagining Sustainability | 1 |
ENST 325 | Nature, Wealth and Power | 1 |
UNIV 200 | Integrated Perspectives Course (The Anthropocene) | 1 |
UNIV 200 | Integrated Perspectives Course (04: Food Justice/Food Insecurity) 1, 2 | 1 |
UNIV 200 | Integrated Perspectives Course (01: Climate Change Science and Ethics) | 1 |
E. Law, Religion & Human Rights
ENLS 290 | Special Topics | 1 |
IREL 255 | International Law | 1 |
POLS 219 | Latin American Politics | 1 |
POLS 274 | Human Rights in International Relations | 1 |
POLS 364 | Justice and Public Policy | 1 |
PSYC 359 | Psychology and Law | 1 |
RELI 280 | Religion and Constitutional Law | 1 |
RELI 281 | Religion and American Politics | 1 |
SOCI 251 | Violence and Society | 1 |
UNIV 192 | Food, Faith, Justice: Baltimore | .5 |
Poverty Studies Concentration
Students may choose a concentration in poverty studies by choosing a core course and at least three electives that focus significantly on issues of poverty. These courses (see footnote2) allow students to combine their coursework with a poverty studies internship offered each year through the Shepherd Consortium.
- 1
Community-based research/service-learning course.
- 2
Poverty studies course.
Coordinator: William F. Flack