Global & Off-campus Education

The Office of Global & Off-campus Education facilitates first-rate off-campus study abroad opportunities that accommodate a range of disciplines throughout diverse regions of the world. The office works with students and faculty to identify and promote programs that support Bucknell University’s educational goals, combine outstanding academic coursework and experiential learning in a safe and supportive environment, and integrate into students’ undergraduate plans of study to the fullest extent possible. The office strives to enhance students’ cross-cultural competency through global programs that facilitate a deep understanding of the cultural, social, political and historical conditions of the host country while highlighting the students’ unique positions as responsible actors in a global context.

The staff of the Office of Global & Off-campus Education advise and assist undergraduate students to incorporate a study abroad experience into their academic work. Bucknell University offers yearlong, semester and summer study abroad opportunities through our Bucknell faculty-led programs, global education partners and university exchange programs.

Eligibility Requirements for Semester and Full-Year Students:

• Have completed the full semester on campus prior to your semester abroad;

• Have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 (fall) or 3.0 (spring). (GPA requirements may vary with Bucknell in faculty-led programs);

• Be a sophomore, a junior, or a first-semester senior to study abroad. (The last semester of the senior year must be spent on campus to receive a Bucknell University degree. Participation in a "Bucknell in” program does not meet this requirement.)

• Have a history of good conduct with the University. All conduct and alcohol violations will be evaluated by the Office of Global & Off-campus Education.

• Students who do not meet the GPA requirements for study abroad may consider studying abroad during the summer.  

For additional information, please contact the Office of Global & Off-Campus Education at