Arts Leadership Minor

The arts leadership minor is designed to impart a practical and theoretical foundation in arts organizations and related professions for students who wish (a) to broadly understand and engage the arts and cultural industry, and (b) to pursue professional careers in the arts. Arts leadership students learn how arts professionals and organizations plan, develop, execute and sustain nonprofit endeavors in the arts.

Drawing on Bucknell’s rich arts resources and professional arts centers, the program offers an overview of the skills necessary for building careers in the visual, performing, and literary arts, and the challenges and rewards of working in the burgeoning arts and culture sector. The minor is intended broadly for students from any major whose career trajectories may intersect with the arts, and more particularly as a supplement to traditional arts majors. The program provides a pathway for students interested in arts management, theatre management, museum studies, curatorial studies or literary arts management. The minor illustrates a strong commitment to interdisciplinarity at Bucknell, incorporating historical, theoretical and applied objectives, and including coursework and experiential learning opportunities at the university and beyond.

The arts leadership minor is jointly administered by the Samek Art Museum, Stadler Center for Poetry & Literary Arts, and Weis Center for the Performing Arts. Inquiries can be directed to the minor coordinators at

The minor consists of 5 courses (4.5 credits).

I. Core Courses

These courses are listed in the suggested (but not required) order in which students should take them.2.5
Arts Leadership: Survey (1 credit)
Arts Leadership: Museums (1 credit)
Arts Leadership: Internship (.5 credit)

II. MORS 201

Students for whom MORS 201 satisfies a major requirement will instead take one additional arts course from section III in its place (for a total of two courses from section III). Those two arts courses must be from different departments.

MORS 201Organizational Forms, Strategy and Structure1

III. Arts Course(s)

Select one. Arts majors must take this course outside their major.1
Photography I
Painting I
Printmaking I
Sculpture I
Photographic Storytelling
Decolonizing Museums: The History & Ethics of Collecting
History of Dance
Creative Writing
Fiction Workshop
Creative Nonfiction Workshop
Poetry Workshop
The Writing World
Introduction to Film/Media Studies
Introduction to Western Music
Introduction to Music
Introduction to Jazz
Introduction to Popular Music in the U.S.
Introduction to Rock Music
Rituals, Festivals, Institutions
Theatre and Revolution
Colorful Fashion Histories


Director: Ghislaine G. McDayter

Coordinator: Rick Rinehart

Co-coordinators: Andrew Ciotola, Kathryn Maguet